Time is a Choice: How You Use It Determines Everything


We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so why do some people seem to achieve so much while others feel like they’re constantly running out of time? The difference isn’t in how much time we have but in how we choose to use it.

This blog isn’t about shaming anyone. It’s about sharing our learning and experiences and to help you choose how you want to spend your time. I’m holding my hands firmly in the air, I have been very well known to the “running out of time” crew, but over time I have learnt how to reduce the chaos and embrace a less hectic and well planned schedule…

Let’s go shall we?


The Illusion of “Not Enough Time”


Have you ever said, “I just don’t have time for that”? The truth is, we do have time, it’s just being used elsewhere…and that’s probably perfectly ok for you. Maybe your time is taken up by urgent but unimportant tasks, endless scrolling, or overthinking. The real question isn’t do you have time? It’s are you choosing to use your time to serve you well?


Three Ways We Can Use Our Time


Struggling Through Without a Plan
When we don’t structure our time, we spend our days reacting rather than acting with intention. We get caught in a cyclone of hurrying, constantly moving but not necessarily making progress.

🗓️ Structuring Time for Success
Using tools like a default diary, where set times are allocated for recurring or planned tasks, helps keep us on track. Planning ahead allows us to be strategic, ensuring we’re working on what truly matters rather than just what feels urgent. This is one of the best tips I have acquired over the years…thanks Rob!

😩 Wasting Time Worrying About Time
Ironically, one of the biggest time-wasters is worrying about not having enough time. Overthinking, stressing, and feeling overwhelmed often take up more energy than the tasks themselves. Instead of spiraling into this unhealthy cycle of procrastination, ask yours-self: Is this thought serving me? Is this task critical right now? Why am I doing this?


The Cost of Choosing Your Time Wisely


Choosing how to use your time isn’t just about productivity, it’s about mental and financial wellbeing. When we make intentional choices:

💰 We save money

Wasting time on the wrong things means missed opportunities. Strategic time management helps us prioritize high-value tasks.

🧠 We protect our mental health

Rushing, procrastinating, or overloading ourselves leads to stress and burnout. A structured approach helps us be more present, both for ourselves and for our loved ones.

❤️ We create balance

When we choose how to spend our time, we can actually be present in the moments that matter instead of always feeling pulled in different directions.


Ask Yourself: Is This Serving Me?


Before saying yes to something or getting lost in the day-to-day grind, ask yourself:
✔️ Why am I doing this?
✔️ Is it critical right now?
✔️ Does this align with my goals and values?
✔️ Is this the best use of my time?

Because time isn’t just something that happens to us, it’s a choice we make every single day.


How do you choose to use your time? Is this something you would like support with? 


Drop me a message and let’s have a chat kayleigh@florightbusinesssolutions.co.uk


Let’s kick the chaos back into the past and move forward with a more balance and intention!

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