September – The New Year for Business
September – The New Year for Business

Are you celebrating September like a business New Year!?
For some, September can seem like a fresh start, a new business year and a time to hit the ground running to achieve personal and professional goals!
During the “summer holidays” many of us:
👪🏽 Take time out for the family
🏖️ Take a break for self-care and personal development
🗒️ Find business a little slower, so seize the opportunity to work on the business
📆 Business is as usual, but staffing challenges are real and workloads need adjusting!
I find this time of year really exciting for various reasons:
🙌🏼 It’s time to put those yearly goals into 6th gear and end the final quarter with a bang
😎 People are generally refreshed and invigorated, generating a buzzing atmosphere
🍂 The cooler weather is on its way – get the fluffy jumpers at the ready
🎄 And it’s the countdown to Christmas (yep, I said it)!
This year, I have something even more exciting happening in the last quarter…
My husband and I are expecting our second child, due 25th December – THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER 👶🎁
There’s been lots of planning over the last few months, prepping my business for my short-term absence. I have an AMAZING team of people around me to support my business and keep my clients serviced as they need. More of that later this week…
Bring on the final race to the end of the year 💪🏽
What have you got planned for the final quarter of 2023 and does September feel like a New Year to your business each year?!
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